Case de IoT - como uma Indústria de refrigeração mudou seu relacionamento com o mercado através de geladeiras conectadas - Marcelo Junqueira
17/12 17:50 horário de exibição
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I have begun my journey in this incredible world since I was a little boy, my house was a place full of Legos, robots and inventions everywhere. At 12 I have created my first electric powered car, made of Legos and motors removed from an old video tape player. Everything controlled by a beautiful shoe box with a lot of buttons. At 14 I started to fix computers for friends and relatives and with that I started to earn my own money. In the beginning of my teen period, I wrote my first lines of code in the fearless classic ASP, evolving to the .Net Framework 1.1 and so on. I joined CI&T in 2011 and it has been an incredible opportunity to work with great minds and people around the world. Despite my software specialization, the maker spirit lives in my heart. So while I was not coding something, I was soldering something, burning some components, building some robots, piloting some RC model or some crazy stuff like that. Also, I always liked to build my own tools, so in 2012 I accepted the challenge to build a 3D printer. In less than 4 months I had a great additive in my creative process, starting to create a lot of printed parts for everything. After sometime, I discovered a word that perfectly described my passion, "The Internet Of Things". I had the opportunity to help the creation of an IoT experimentation lab called "The Garage" inside CI&T and I can guarantee that i have the best job in the world. Every day I presence so many incredible things being created in this cool space, it seems a movie thing. Today I work as an Internet of Things manager, trying to get people closer to disruptive technology, teaching them how to think differently, helping them to have an easier life, reducing costs and creating a modern and pleasant future for everyone.